Child Safe Standards
Chelsea Heights Kindergarten is fully committed to the safety and wellbeing of all our children.
There are 11 Child Safe Standards and these Standards are here to improve the way organizations who provide services for children prevent and respond to child abuse. They aim to keep children and young people safe.
Here at CHK we are committed to and regularly review our Child Safe Standards. Protecting children is essential, therefore we continually keep our children, families, staff, volunteers, and the wider community informed about child safety.
Every person involved in Chelsea Heights Kindergarten has a responsibility to understand the important and significant role they play both individually and collectively. The wellbeing and safety of all children is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make. Ensuring children’s safety has always underpinned our philosophy through creating a safe and nurturing atmosphere to support children’s wellbeing.

The Committee of Management and Educational Team have implemented a wide variety of Policies and Procedures relating to the Child Safe Standards. Here are some examples:
All policies relating to the Child Safe Standards including our Code of Conduct and Child Safe Environment and Wellbeing Policy have been reviewed and updated.
All parents/guardians read and sign the Code of Conduct.
CHK requires all parents/guardians to have a valid working with children’s check upon enrolment which is then checked.
All visitors and contractors must have a valid Working with Children’s Check or be supervised at all times.
Induction checklists are required for all staff, relief staff, volunteers, visitors, and committee members.
Relief staff ensure that regular staff change children’s nappies or clothes as they haven’t built that relationship with the child.
All staff including relief staff complete the mandatory child protection training annually.
All staff have valid First Aid, CPR, Asthma and Anaphylaxis training.
Child Safe Standards are included in the agenda of each Staff and Committee monthly meetings.
Body safety, Consent and Respectful relationships are instilled in our programs.
We ask all stay and play helpers to not have phones on them whilst on stay and play duty.
Children’s faces will not be displayed on our website or social media platforms unless under special circumstances and permission has been given by parent/guardian.
We value and celebrate our community and its diverse cultures and include a variety of different traditions and celebrations.
Zones of Regulation are included in our programs as well as Tucker the Turtle who helps the children identify their emotions and supports them with problem solving.
Compliance and screening practices, including current and valid Working with Children Check for Educators and VIT for teachers which is checked twice a year.
Prevention strategies to prevent child abuse and to identify risks, comprising of policy and procedure reviews, risk analysis and meeting audit requirements are completed by staff and committee of management.
Processes are in place for responding to and reporting an allegation of child abuse or a safety concern. We have a secured complaints and compliments register for any recorded disclosures.
Reporting and Responding to Child Abuse
If you form a reasonable belief that a child in our kindergarten needs protection, or a criminal offence has been committed you must report your concern. These circumstances may include:
A disclosure made to you by a child.
Being present and witnessing an event or incident.
Observing events that cause you to form an objectively reasonable belief that a child is being harmed or abused or is at risk of being harmed or abused.
‘Child Abuse’ includes:
Sexual offences, grooming, physical violence, serious emotional or psychological harm, serious neglect, family violence or exposure to family violence.
For matters that cause you concern, please contact your child’s teacher or grievance officer.
Child Safety Links and Information
Commission for Young Children and Young People
What to look for in a child safe organisation
Teach your child how to keep themselves safe
Orange Door -support for families experiencing family violence
Online safety for children